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Bettie Junior Junior Polly Apple Daisy, Midnight and Spencer Daisy, Midnight and Spencer Paz Jasper, Dewy and Zoe (aka Cupcake) Jasper, Dewy and Zoe (aka Cupcake) Jasper, Dewy and Zoe (aka Cupcake) Andre and N'bikay Patches, Alvin Patches, Alvin Tony and Alex Tony and Alex Hazel & Stella Gilly Gilly Gilly Charger, Porscha, & Coontache Charger, Porscha, & Coontache Charger, Porscha, & Coontache Jerry, Fluffy, Cuddles, Pinky, & Tommy Jerry, Fluffy, Cuddles, Pinky, & Tommy Jerry, Fluffy, Cuddles, Pinky, & Tommy Samantha

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